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Terms and Conditions

This website (“Website”) and its integrated websites are the property of and belong to Hyderabad International Trade Expositions Limited(“HITEX”).

Please read these terms and conditions carefully, before continuing to use this Website. By accessing, browsing, or using this Website, you agree and acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions of use (“Terms”).

  1. Website Access, Availability and Services:
    Users can avail access to the HITEX website free of charge or free to access, however HITEX reserves the right to charge for its services available on this website and may redirect users to a different website at its discretion.
  2. Registration:
    In general, you can access and visit our Website without registering on the Website or otherwise revealing your identity or any personal information about yourself. You may register for availing services/events if any offered by HITEX and by registering yourself you are providing deemed consent to the privacy policy of HITEX.
  3. Suspension of your access:
    We may suspend or terminate your registration or access to all or any part of the Website at any time if you breach these Terms and Conditions of the Agreement in our reasonable opinion or at our discretion for any reasons as we may think deem fit.
  4. Intellectual Property Rights and copyright:
    All Content featured or displayed on this Website contains intellectual property rights of HITEX including trademarks, copyrights, logos, photos, pictures, audio, video, design, layout and all other content is used under valid license/authorization. Unauthorized copying, use, reproduction, hyper-linking, deep-linking, or any other use of the Content on this Website in any manner whatsoever, without the prior written authorization of HITEX is strictly prohibited.
  5. Security:
    HITEX is committed to protecting the security and any information in confidential nature provided by the user to HITEX. However, in any case HITEX will not be responsible for any breach of security or disclosure of such information.
  6. Warranty:
    All data or content available on this website are provided to you on an as is basis and there is no warranty of any kind including accuracy, completeness, free from errors to the data or content available on the website. In any event, HITEX is not liable to any user for accessing or relying on the information on this website.
  7. Indemnify:
    You agree to indemnify us in case of any damages, losses and advocate costs arising out of the use of this website or any acts in violation of laws including IPR’s of HITEX and these terms and conditions.
  8. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:
    These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of India, and the courts of Hyderabad shall have exclusive jurisdiction in case of any dispute for any matter.
  9. Contact Information:
    In order to address any discrepancies or grievances related to the personal information lying with the HITEX, the User may contact HITEX through this mail [email protected]